The Impact of Having a Developer Colleague in an IT-Recruitment Firm
After the summer we announced that we took in Salah Aswad into our team and after about a month and a half, this was the perfect boost for our company. As recruiters focused on the field of IT we do invest a lot of time in training our colleagues to get a better understanding of the industry but the added value that a developer brings to the team is remarkable!

Pieter Moll has mostly been working with Salah for the last month on different positions and in the beginning Salah mostly sat in on interviews and observed the structure of such meetings. Today, Salah is managing his own interviews with candidates and doing a great job at it. 



The Impact of Having a Developer Colleague in an IT-Recruitment Firm


Combining a recruiter with a developer has proven to be a recipe for success as one can qualify more on the personal side, motivation and aspirations of the candidate while the other is digging more into the technical skills and experiences. Salah has asked some great key questions regarding different technologies that we today use on a company-wide basis. We have noticed that Salah has the ability to speak the same language as our candidates and he makes developers feel more understood and listened to in a better way. His input has also been very valuable when it comes to presenting the IT environments at our clients, critical information that is challenging developers to really consider the position or not, can they really live up to the position’s technical expectations or not?


Overall, today we get a clearer picture of the candidates and adopt a more critical approach on the skills of a person before presenting them to our clients.