4 SEO Tools I Love

There is a lot of speak about SEO and digital marketing but what are the tools for SEO. I decided to share some of the SEO tools I love and use almost daily + one recommendation to checkout. Of course starting the old reliable.

Google Analytics


When talking about seo tools you cannot ignore this beast of a search engine. The majority of searches are done with Google’s software so it makes sense to use their analytics to optimize your content.


“93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.” – Imforza, click to tweet


It can be tricky to get started and having a grasp of what everything does in google analytics but it is an extremely powerful software to use for analytics. Also the integration possibilities are limitless. Read more about it here.




As we are a Hubspot certified agency we are of course using their software for our own marketing and selling it as fundamental part of our marketing services. The keyword tool in Hubspot is extremely powerful. You can get all kinds of nifty statistics there and the best thing is to understand where you are ranking in your country.




If you are a blogger who is using a website hosted on top of wordpress this is the plugin for you! You can modify the meta description of every page individually to ensure that you have correct keywords for that loving SEO traffic. The free version provides more than enough help to get your website off the ground. Add Yoast plugin to your wordpress site from here.




SimilarWeb is a great SEO tool to analyse any websites and what are its marketing efforts to attract more customers. Do they get most of traffic through direct, organic, referral or social? This is everything you can find out with its free version and also what website is directing more traffic.


Easy tool to get an overview of a company digital marketing efforts to see where they might need some assistance.


Other Tools


There are of course many other seo tools which you can use. A lot of them are quite similar so it is up to you to decide which works best for you. It’s all about personal preference after all.