Celebrating 15 Years of Leadership at Agile Search!

As we approach our 15th anniversary, we want to take a moment to highlight the incredible journey of our co-founders, Salah and Fredrik.

Fifteen years ago, they set out with a bold vision: to build a talent acquisition company that focuses on relationships, innovation, and finding the perfect match for tech talent and companies alike. Their leadership, passion, and unwavering dedication have shaped Agile Search into what it is today!

Salah and Fredrik share insights about the early days of the company, the lessons they’ve learned, and their hopes for the future of Agile Search. From their guiding philosophy to their proudest moments, get ready to hear directly from the heart and soul of our company.

What inspired you to start a tech recruitment company? Why Agile Search? What inspired you to choose this name?

Having known each other for many years and also started in recruitment at the same time, we had a common view on how to work with tech recruitment in a good way. We were also both at a point where we were ready to take on a new challenge. 

We had seen how Agile ways of working and Agile Methodologies had been growing in popularity in the Stockholm Tech scene and the more we studied it, the more we felt it would be a much better way to run a recruitment process and a recruitment company. We decided to call ourselves Agile Search to reflect the way we worked internally as well as with clients and candidates – with the add on benefit to reflect the fact that we were focused on the Tech Industry. 

When we discussed starting our own firm, we wanted to create an environment where we would have a good work-life balance, we would have a fun and open workplace with nice people to work alongside with. This has been an important part of building Agile Search and selecting the people that have come to work with us during the years. We also wanted to create a place where we could incorporate people with various backgrounds (education, nationalities/culture, work experience) that were interested to work in tech recruitment and genuinely interested to build what Agile Search is today. 

Looking back over the past 15 years, what achievement are you most proud of at Agile Search, and why does it stand out?

Besides working with many of the biggest tech companies in the world and helping thousands of people advance in their careers, we’re happy that we’ve been able to challenge the status quo, not only in terms of ways of working and services offered, but also when it comes to opening up the market to international tech talent. Supporting our clients to open up for international talent (recruited locally or globally) has been a slow but consistent effort to help grow and develop the local tech scene. 

Also, giving a chance to many of our employees to get a first chance in the local labour market by joining Agile Search and learning the job as a tech recruiter and giving them a safe space where people can be themselves and create a true community of colleagues and friends has been an amazing experience to watch. 

Seeing so many past colleagues wanting to come back and spend time with Agile Search people during events/alumni gatherings and staying in touch in a heartfelt way feels very nice as well! 

If you could give your 15-years-younger self one piece of advice when you started Agile Search, what would it be?

Never underestimate how long it takes to change things. Also be humble about how much the general economy and macrotrends impact the operations of a tech recruitment and IT consulting company. Regardless of how much you invest to develop processes, trainings, people and structures, there is always a strong dependency on the overall economical situation. 

In your view, how has the recruitment industry evolved since you started, and how has Agile Search adapted to stay ahead of the curve?

It has become much more professional, in terms of tools, ways of working and also a major change has been in stopping cold calling candidates. We were very early on with that change, back in 2014 and that helped us get ahead of the curve. Also moving to working in-house as Talent Acquisition Partners has helped create a much higher value to our clients and candidates!

“If go back to the tools used, I still remember when I met with Aref the first time back in 2013 when it was just him and Niklas – I think – sitting at Meltwater’s offices in Östermalm. We needed a new ATS and signed with Jobylon! Look at them now, what a great journey for them as well, and it has been great sharing this office with you until we find our new home :)” 

As you celebrate this great achievement, what’s your vision for the next 15 years of Agile Search?

To continue building a centre of excellence. We see this goes by continuing to attract and develop some of the best consultants in tech recruitment and software development. Also, we want to continue innovating in order to bring even more value to all our stakeholders!

“The most fun for us I think, is to see our people grow and develop so that they can take on more responsibilities. Even if they leave, we really love to keep in touch with our ex-colleagues and we’re always super delighted to see how well they’re doing in their professional and personal lives!”