Turning potential into success by training leadership skills

Last week the Agile Search team completed the leadership training with GREAT LEADERS!

We think is essential, to growing as a company, that employees constantly upgrade their skills, achieve great results and translate them into value. The best way to maximise the “experience effect” is to prioritise learning and development within the organisation.

But why the self-leadership training was delivered to all employees, from juniors to seniors?

Leadership skills are important in every stage of career development. Junior employees can prepare for future greater responsibilities as well as improve their self-awareness. Mid-career and senior professionals can learn how to thrive and create higher value for the company, as well as strengthen their leadership skills.

The trainers Mattias Dahlgren and Benn Harradine OLY provided a wide variety of high-value topics in today’s business. It was interesting discovering different aspects of ourselves through the DISC analyses, and learning how to interact with other people in the most effective way to achieve common goals. If you want to become a great leader you also need to master trust: we had been given great information and techniques on how to build trust in a team, which is essential to minimise stress and burnout and increase employees’ productivity and engagement. Moreover, we learnt how to master our motivation and what are the key elements to change a suboptimal motivation into an optimal one. Furthermore, we were also shown through the performance model how we can lead ourselves to become or remain productive on a task. The last time the Agile team met in Stockholm for the training, we were involved in a role play about situational leadership: it was a great opportunity to experiment with how to deal with different leadership styles!

It has been an incredible journey, which allowed us to become more aware of ourselves and our behaviour in the workplace, and gave us the tools to improve as professionals. The overall training received positive feedback from all the participants, who were extremely pleased with the learning experience.

Thank you Mattias and Benn for giving us a great opportunity to become Great Leaders!