What Should You Do After an Interview?


Here are 3 things that are going to wrap up your interview nicely and leave a good final impression after you have already left the interview! These tips will also help you evaluate the interview and the company, making sure that you are on the right career path.





I hope you took some notes during the interview. If so, now is time to review them! They will help you move into the next step, which is reflection. Often times at this point you are very engaged and just anxiously waiting for them to say “yes”. But quite counter-intuitively you should take a step back and review  your career goals. With the information you have gathered, do you still want this job? Were there red flags in the interview? Do you think you will be motivated long-term? Do you think you will enjoy the work?


Show gratitude


If it still feels like a dream job after you have thought it over twice, remember to impress your interviewer by sending a thank you note. This shows that you appreciate their time. Actually, even if you don’t want the job, it is still polite to thank them for their efforts if you felt like they were doing their best to serve you. Write something personal that stuck to you about your conversation, something you really liked about the company or something you’d be keen to know more about. I like to thank people via snail mail, because it is so rare to receive postcards anymore. It’s a great way to be outstanding in the modern flood of emails.


Follow up


People forget. People feel comfortable when they know what they are doing and what is going on. Therefore, I recommend that you to step up and be assertive. Did they give you instructions on what happens after the interview and what their schedule is like? Great, then be prepared for the call before that time comes. If you have not received a call by the deadline, don’t give up, but instead follow up and find out why! When you are preparing for that call, it is good to figure out a few things beforehand. If you did not negotiate salary, think of your numbers at this point. What are the other things you are expecting of your future role?


If on the other hand, they did not give you any next steps or timelines, follow up within a few days to find out. The main thing is to not assume anything. If they did not give you instructions or if their call is taking longer than they expected, they have probably just been extremely busy but will be happy to hear you are still excited. Your proactive behavior will be impressive and will most likely assure them that you are a great hire!


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