Because in either game , life or football, the margin for error is so small. I mean one half step too late or too early you don’t quite make it. One half second too slow or too fast and you don’t quite catch it.
– Al Pacino (Any given Sunday)
As an executive search consultant, a.k.a. headhunter, it all comes down to one thing: TIMING.
If we contact candidates one month too early, they won’t be interested, whereas they might be interested one month later because of something that happened in their professional or personal life. We’re often asked to get back to candidates 6 months down the lane, and when we do so, it sometimes turns out the candidate has already signed an employment contract with another company one month earlier.
Also, calling a client (candidate or customer) requires the right timing. This is why we always ask you if this is a good time to speak or not. If it’s not, we’ll call you back at another time that fits your calendar and privacy needs. Even if you don’t think the timing is right, we might be working on a special opportunity that is happening only now and might be worth listening to before dismissing it.
We meet customers who ask us to get back in touch 6 months later, but who end up calling us back 2 month later because they’ve just lost a crucial employee. Once again, it’s about timing.
We want to call you when the time is right, in order to have a meaningful conversation. Sometimes we don’t manage, but we try hard to do so. If you as an individual call us back when your situation changes before we call you back, you are opening up the chance to consider several options and make an informed decision about what will be the best change of position and employer. Usually, that’s a decision you have to live with for the next 2-5 years. It’s wise to be able to make an informed decision.
So, next time you’re thinking about your next employer/employee, call us or drop us a line. You always have the right timing when contacting us!